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Joe's biography

This work this one realized to expose Joe Haro's personal biography.
My name is Joe Haro, I am 18 years old, I was born on January 6, 2000. My parents are Holger and Martha, I have three brothers, they are Alan, Leslie and Camila. I am of Puyo's city, I studied in the school " The Gilding ", in this stage, I liked to play video games with my friends after the school, but my parents were not leaving me, then in the secondary school I liked to go out with my friends to the river, because it was refreshing after a busy day. I do not like to play very much to the football, since he was very a young woman I did not like, so I do not take part in any intercollegiate championship and till now in the university. I love the nature and it is because of it that I go to the explorers. I am scout for five years and " I continue leaving the world in better conditions that what I found ". Nowadays, I am in the first semester of forest engineering in the State University of the Amazonia. And finally I wait to be a forest prompt engineer.
1º bachillerato grammar Edad recomendada: 15 años
2 veces realizada

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Joe Haro
Joe Haro

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