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My brogaphy
I was born in palora on the 26th of September 1999, I have 10 brothers, 6 are women and 4 men. My father is Angel Fernandez, born in Cuenca and is 53 years old, My mother Hortencia Wajuyata was born in Macas, is 54 years old. I studied the Kinder-Garden in palora, at age 7 I studied at the School "Angel Face", I did not like it but it was good, at 11 years old I studied at the school "Francisco de Orellana" because it was good, I studied at another school called "Andoas" only of women, to my 15 years I was in the school "Provincia de Pastaza" I liked it, because it was great. finally I graduated there on July 26, 2017.
complete the text Edad recomendada: 16 años
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