(2 words) Late 1930s, national authorities’ regulation of economy and creation of social security safety net – era of _ ____, viewing division between state and federal governments as less distinct and less important than the ways they might work together – examples New Deal and Great Society and War on Poverty (p186)
(4 words) Constitutional procedures for the admission of new states on an equal footing (having “__ __ __ __) with the original 13 and a clause guaranteeing them a republican form of government recognize states as the main building blocks of the American system. (p182)
(2 words) These are normally several times longer than the US one because they contain many more detailed provisions and much more specific language, and subject to frequent amendments. (p189)
(2 words) Government activities shared by the states and national authorities, because the constitution does not designate one level of government as primarily responsible, i.e. law-making, establishing courts, taxing, borrowing and providing for the general welfare.(p183)
(2 words) Created by the states, authorities designed to deal with a specific problem that crosses government boundaries. If powerful, sometimes popularly referred to as regional governments. (p191)
(2 words) Laws that place new duties on the states without supplying sufficient or any funding. (p186)
(2 words) There are 83,000 units of ___ ____. None has sovereignty and aren’t mentioned in the Federal Constitution, created by the states as instruments, tools to help the state carry out its responsibilities. They can be special districts, counties, towns, cities, boroughs and school districts. (p192)
(2 words) Aggregate interests that have to be exclusively the national government’s to prevent conflicts among the states and between them and the federal government. They can neither coin money, nor conduct their own foreign policy, keep their own military services, make war or set their own customs duties. (p183)
(2 words) Until 1939, public health, safety, order and business regulation were solely the concern of the states. The court asserted that state and federal governments had clearly separated spheres in which each was sovereign. (p185)
(2 words) This gives Congress the right to make any laws that are necessary and proper to carry out its other powers. (p184)
(2 words) A counterreaction to grants-in-aid, conservative members of both parties calling for a return to dual federalism and Nixon in 1972 proposed this under the name __ ____. Revenue-sharing cut most strings attached to federal grants, to delegate the power to set standards and priorities downwards. Grant programs combined into large block grants. However, more power was shifted to the national government. (p186)
Items put on the ballot by the state legislature which is decided with a referendum. (p190)
(3 words) Funding allocated for specific purposes, many offered as matching funds, i.e. in the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. (p184)
For the last 15 years or so the federal government has left the solution of growing numbers of national problems to the states through an American form of _____ which sadly creates inequalities between poor states and rich ones.
The laws a council writes. (p195)