Match the mini-conversations
You may not know how to introduce yourself or greet someone yet, but these initial mini-conversations are quite universal. Someone says "Hi" and the person greeted says "Hi" back.....or someone asks "Where do you live?" and the other person says "I live at ......." In this rompecabezas you have a bunch of mini-conversations / questions & answers. Try to match them up....too soon? Time yourself? Too hard? Well, come back to this rompecabezas when you have completed the chapter and see how easy it is. Race against your own time and try to beat yourself!
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Edad recomendada: 15 años
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Completar un texto en inglés.
Belém AragónEspañaEsta actividad trata de completar un texto sencillo en inglés. Esta actividad esta dirigida para alumnos de 3º de la ESO -
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partes de una planta
silvia de la galaPerúla partes de una planta son: tallo que sostiene a la planta, la raiz que absorve el agua y las sales minerales, las hojas que realiza la funcion de la fotosintesis y la flor