Crossword about modal verbs
Dear students,
This crossword puzzle is designed to test your knowledge about the rules of usage and the theory about modal verbs. To be able to fill out this crossword puzzle, on the one hand, you will be asked to answer questions about the rules of usage of each of the modal verbs we have been studying so far. In some occasions, on the other hand, you will get a theoretical sentence about a modal verb and you will have to fill out the matching modal verb. Please write all the correct answers down and importantly, do not use abbreviations (!). This way, you will form a crossword puzzle consisting of all your answers.
Have fun !
This crossword puzzle is designed to test your knowledge about the rules of usage and the theory about modal verbs. To be able to fill out this crossword puzzle, on the one hand, you will be asked to answer questions about the rules of usage of each of the modal verbs we have been studying so far. In some occasions, on the other hand, you will get a theoretical sentence about a modal verb and you will have to fill out the matching modal verb. Please write all the correct answers down and importantly, do not use abbreviations (!). This way, you will form a crossword puzzle consisting of all your answers.
Have fun !
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Edad recomendada: 18 años
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