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Lesson 1.5 Slides: Reading Spectral Lines


Learn how to analyze spectral lines to uncover the elemental composition of stars.

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Lesson 1.5 Slides: Reading Spectral LinesVersión en línea

Learn how to analyze spectral lines to uncover the elemental composition of stars.

por Eric D Norman

Introduction to Spectroscopy

Spectroscopy is the study of the interaction between light and matter. It allows astronomers to:

  • Identify chemical elements
  • Determine physical conditions
  • Understand stellar processes

By examining the light emitted or absorbed by stars, we can reveal their secrets.


What are Spectral Lines?

Spectral lines are dark or bright lines in a spectrum that correspond to specific wavelengths of light. They occur due to:

  • Absorption of light by elements in a star's atmosphere
  • Emission of light from excited atoms

Each element has a unique set of spectral lines, acting like a cosmic fingerprint.


Understanding Stellar Composition

By analyzing spectral lines, we can determine:

  • Abundance of elements like hydrogen, helium, and heavier metals
  • Physical conditions such as temperature and pressure
  • Stellar evolution stages and processes

This information is crucial for understanding the lifecycle of stars.


What is a Spectral Profile?

A spectral profile is a unique fingerprint of light that corresponds to specific elements. Each element has a distinct set of absorption and emission lines in its spectrum.


The Importance of Unique Spectral Profiles

Unique spectral profiles are crucial because they:

  • Allow for the identification of elements in distant stars.
  • Help determine the chemical composition of celestial bodies.
  • Provide insights into the physical conditions of stars.
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