family members, the four seasonr, climate an weatherVersión en línea
The following clues are to answer the different riddles.
The grandchildren are going to visit them.
They are your parents' parents.
I'm not a painter, but I can show colors.
You can't touch me, but you can admire me.
I am of many colors, I go out after the rain and in the sky you can find me.
There is no sun shining brightly, the sky is gray and it seems that rain is near. How is the day?
When the clouds gather and the sky loses its blue, they name me that. What am I?
I am neither night nor storm, but the sun cannot be seen. What is this type of day called?
I am part of a family, my parents gave me life, and whether I am small or big, that is what they call me. Who am I?
I have a father and a mother, I am their greatest joy and sometimes their greatest prank. Who am I?
I am not the brother or the father, but I am part of the family and my parents always take care of me.
I am green in summer, I change color in autumn and fall to the ground when the cold comes. What am I?
I dance with the wind, I provide shade on sunny days and I belong to the trees. What am I?
With my help, the tree breathes, and the sun gives me life to make food. What am I?
We grow up together in the same family, sometimes we argue, but we always love each other. Who are we?
We can be two, three or more, we share parents and many stories. Who are we?
We are pieces of a family, each one unique, but together we form a whole. Who are we?
I arrive after winter, fill the fields with flowers and the weather becomes warm. What station am I?
The trees bloom, the birds sing and the days lengthen. What time of year is it?
I am the moment when everything is reborn, the gardens are filled with colors and the sun shines softly. What station am I?
I arrive after autumn, I bring cold and sometimes snow, and the days are shorter. What station am I?
In me, scarves and gloves are used, fireplaces warm the home and ice decorates the landscapes. What station am I?
I am the time when parties are celebrated with the warmth of the home, while it is very cold outside. What station am I?
It comes after spring, the sun shines brighter and the days are long. What station am I?
It's the perfect time to go to the beach, enjoy the heat and eat ice cream. What station am I?
The sun is at its highest point, vacations are common and the heat is the protagonist. What station am I?
I am the daughter of your son or daughter, and for you I am a gift of love. Who am I?
You spoil me sweetly, tell me stories and call me affectionately. Who am I to you?
Although I am not your daughter, you care for me and love me as if I were. Who am I?