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Understanding CSF Leakage and Skull Fractures


A comprehensive overview of CSF leakage, its implications, and types of skull fractures.

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Understanding CSF Leakage and Skull FracturesVersión en línea

A comprehensive overview of CSF leakage, its implications, and types of skull fractures.

por Melissa Pennington

Introduction to CSF Leakage

CSF leakage can occur through the nose (rhinorrhea) or ear (otorrhea). This indicates a fracture that has affected the dura mater.

Rhinorrhea may also present as postnasal sinus drainage and can be easily overlooked.


Confirming CSF Leakage

To determine if the leaking fluid is CSF, two tests are commonly used:

  • Dextrostix or Tes-Tape strip: Tests for glucose in the fluid. CSF will test positive, but blood presence can lead to unreliable results.
  • Halo or Ring Sign: Drip fluid onto a white gauze pad; if CSF is present, a yellowish ring will form around the blood.

Risks Associated with CSF Leaks

A CSF leak significantly increases the risk of meningitis. Preventive antibiotics should be administered.

Document the color, appearance, and amount of fluid, as tests can yield false positives.


Major Complications of Skull Fractures

The primary complications include:

  • Intracranial infections
  • Hematoma
  • Meningeal and brain tissue damage

Types of Skull Fractures

Skull fractures can be categorized into four main types:

  • Linear Fractures: Most common, usually not serious unless they cross major blood vessels.
  • Depressed Fractures: Inward skull depression, can damage brain tissue, may require surgery.
  • Comminuted Fractures: Multiple bone fragments, higher risk of brain damage and complications.
  • Basilar Fractures: Base of the skull, often associated with CSF leakage and high complication risk.

Manifestations of Basilar Fractures

Signs include:

  • CSF or brain otorrhea
  • Bulging tympanic membrane
  • Battle sign
  • Tinnitus or hearing difficulty
  • Rhinorrhea
  • Facial paralysis
  • Conjugate gaze deviation
  • Vertigo

Manifestations of Frontal Fractures

Signs include:

  • Exposure of brain to contaminants via frontal air sinus
  • Possible air in forehead tissue
  • CSF rhinorrhea
  • Pneumocranium (air between cranium and dura mater)

Manifestations of Orbital Fractures

Signs include:

  • Periorbital bruising (raccoon eyes)
  • Optic nerve injury

Manifestations of Parietal Fractures

Signs include:

  • Deafness
  • CSF or brain otorrhea
  • Bulging tympanic membrane
  • Facial paralysis
  • Loss of taste
  • Battle sign

Manifestations of Temporal Fractures

Signs include:

  • Boggy temporal muscle due to blood extravasation
  • Oval bruise behind the ear (Battle sign)
  • CSF otorrhea
  • Middle meningeal artery disruption
  • Epidural hematoma
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