Relacionar Columnas Med Surg II FINAL EXAM reviewVersión en línea Test your knowledge of Med Surg 2 Final Review with this matching game! por Kayla Meyers 1 Monitor Partial Thromboplastin Time (PTT) with usage of this medication 2 The nurse understands this about conduction of the heart 3 Vasopressin is controlled by: 4 Seizure precautions (d/t low sodium), Hypertonic solution, & Lasix (furosemide) 5 This is the inner layer of the heart, where all valves are found 6 Dash diet (2-4g Na), Progressive exercise (STOP if pain), Semi-Fowler's (arms supported), Stress mgmt, Stop smoking, Monitor BP/HR 7 The nurse caring for a pt diagnosed with R-sided HF should contribute this assessment finding to the diagnosis 8 This layer of the heart is responsible for pumping 9 A 16 year old experiencing Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) should: 10 Invasive procedures such as valve replacement (especially for tissue valves) require this prior to the procedure 11 Addisonian Crisis (circulatory collapse) tx: 12 The nurse should assess vitals q15 mins for a pt following this procedure 13 Barrel Chest: 14 Monitor International Normalized Ratio (INR) with usage of this medication 15 S3 heart sound & crackles in the lungs are heard with: 16 Brain Natriuretic Peptide (BNP) may increase with this complication: 17 These are nursing interventions used in the event of a Myocardial Infarction (MI) -no specific order 18 This is the sac around the heart (may have pain when lying flat) 19 Bed rest for 6 hrs, Monitor 5 P's q15 mins, Monitor for hemorrhaging, Supine, Obtain VS q15 mins for first hour after procedure 20 Benefit & Risks of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) Impulse travels from SA node>AV node>bundle of HIS>Purkinje fiber Interventions for a cardiac pt Myocardium Endocardium Increased anterior & posterior chest diameter Nursing interventions following a Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty (PTCA) procedure Coumadin Reduces risk of osteoporosis, Increases risk for heart disease, Increases risk for blood clots Left & Right-sided HF Heparin Posterior Pituitary Interventions for Syndrome of Inappropriate Anti-Diuretic Hormone (SIADH) Steroids & Fluids Increase fluid intake & intensity of exercise Left-sided HF Pericardium Ascites (fluid build-up in the abdomen) Cardiac Cath M- morphine, O- oxygen, N- nitroglycerin/nitro, A- aspirin Prophylactic measures (ie: meds/antibiotic) 1 This procedure can be done for prolapse or regurgitation 2 This disease can be spread even if lesions are not present 3 S/s of Atelectasis: 4 These are some of the many causes of HTN 5 A pt with COPD may experience this complication: 6 A pt has respiratory alkalosis. The nurse should assess for this compensatory action: 7 This type of HTN can be treated with diuretics 8 The urine should be LIGHT PINK 24hrs after this procedure 9 Chest Physiotherapy Treatment (CPT)/postural drainage: 10 Normal range for HCO3: 11 Normal range for pH: 12 Rupture of chordae tendinae causes this: 13 S/s of Cushing's: 14 Oxygen via Nasal Cannula: 15 Interventions for Rhinitis: 16 Normal range for CO2: 17 The nurse should instruct the pt to use this technique when using a peak flow meter: 18 A pt with Addison's disease who is experiencing darkening skin is at risk for: 19 Interventions for Asthma: 20 S/s of Pneumonia: 22-26 Prolonged expiration (air trapping) Cardiovascular collapse (cortisol levels are too LOW) Perform a forceful, long exhale Instruct pt to blow nose with both nares open (allergies can last up to a month) HTN, Hypernatremia, High BS, Moon face, Buffalo hump, Trunkal obesity, Hirsutism, Low potassium, Wt gain, Insomnia, Mood swings, Osteoporosis.. Herpes High grade fever, Cough, SOB, Loss of appetite, & Fatigue 35-45 Reaches up to 6 Liters, Humidify at 3 Liters Transurethral Resection of the Prostate (TURP) Remove triggers from environment if possible (S/s: Cough, Wheezing, & SOB) Ring annuloplasty Prolapse 7.35-7.45 (7.4=perfect) Primary HTN (no identifiable cause) Painful deep breath, Low grade fever, Diminished breath sounds, & Cough Smoking/Stress; Secondary HTN (has identifiable cause) Excretion of HCO3 by the kidneys Using gravity to move mucus (do not perform close to a meal or over thick clothing, assess before & after therapy)