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PRO - B1M5- Invitations

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PRO - B1M5- Invitations

Fill out the missing words in this dialogue.

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going rather would accept can't invited see going really understand has out

A : Hi Joe , how are you doing ?

B : Pretty good , actually . I haven't seen you for ages ! How about to the pictures tonight ?

A : I'm afraid I your invitation , much as I would like to .

B : Oh , that's a pity !

A : Yes , Rob me to dinner tonight .

B : Well , I guess you go out with Rob than with me .

A : No ! As a matter of fact , I don't like Rob

B : Really ? Then why are you with him ?

A : Well , you , Rob is my brother - in - law , and besides . . .

B : Oh don't worry I . Have a nice time .