Relacionar Columnas Pharmacology FINAL EXAM reviewVersión en línea Test your knowledge with this Pharmacology Final Review! por Kayla Meyers 1 Insomnia is one possible indication of overdose of this med 2 Taking this 30mins ac, wearing a med alert bracelet, carrying fast-acting carb snack, & understanding effects of alcohol are teaching points for 3 Overuse/Extended use of nasal sprays has this potential adverse effect 4 This long-acting insulin should NOT be mixed with other insulins for administration 5 A pt receiving antibiotics & Proton Pump Inhibitors (PPI's) for H. Pylori infection should expect that the med will do the following 6 This fast-acting insulin is given in cases of acute hyperglycemia 7 A pt with BPH that is unable to urinate, & presents with a cold may be experiencing adverse effects of this OTC medication class 8 This medication must be available for any pt who is receiving a Heparin infusion 9 Decreasing fluid intake and reporting headache & drowsiness to a doctor are teaching points to give to a pt taking this med for Diabetes Insipidus 10 In order to reduce the risk of fungal infections/candidiasis, the pt should perform this action after they have used their inhaler 11 CT contrast dye has this effect on the kidneys, which can lead to a build-up of metformin in the body 12 Noting BM frequency, teaching a pt to avoid sedatives, encouraging increased fluid intake, and discouraging use in pts with glaucoma are for this med 13 In a pt with conditions that lead to prolonged drug half-life, the risk for this potentially severe adverse effect is increased 14 A pt taking Digoxin is experiencing problems with their eyesight, N/V, & increased digoxin level. These are signs of: 15 Monitoring liver function test, and Avoiding alcohol & overexposure to the sun are important concepts of teaching for a pt taking this antifungal med Decongestants Rebound nasal congestion Levothyroxine (Synthroid) Ketoconazole Protamine Sulfate Glargine Drug toxicity Regular insulin Slows the action of the kidneys Glipizide (antihyperglycemic) Digoxin toxicity Desmopressin Lomotil (opioid med- treats diarrhea) Kill the bacteria and stop acid production Rinse the mouth with water 1 Flushing, respiratory depression, & muscle weakness are all possible adverse effects of this med when administered to a pt in pre-term labor 2 Posterior headache, heart palpitations, neck stiffness, N/V, diaphoresis, dilated pupils, tachycardia, & chest pain with HTN = possible toxicity with 3 A pt has an order for an IV med that is not compatible with other IV meds running. What course of action must the nurse take to administer this med 4 Abdominal pain and jaundice are possible adverse effects of this class of medication 5 Beta blockers should NOT be taken with this type of OTC med 6 Compared to IV administration- ORAL administration has this rate of action 7 Sumatriptan reduces the pain of migraine headaches through this mechanism of action 8 This class of antidepressants works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin and norepinephrine 9 Hypokalemia, Hyperglycemia, & Sulfa allergies are all concerns related to this class of diuretics 10 Aminoglycosides combined with cephalosporins can cause this potentially serious adverse effect 11 The most likely time frame for which a pt taking NPH insulin will experience a hypoglycemic event 12 The form of the med, pH of the stomach, pts pain level, & presence of food in the stomach are all factors that influence this 13 GI disturbances and increased risk for developing ulcers are potential side effects of this class of anti-inflammatory med 14 Increasing fluid intake and having a high fiber diet are important considerations when taking this class of medication Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drug (NSAID's) Thiazide diuretics Tricyclic Antidepressants (TCA's) Absorption Opioid analgesics (constipation can occur) Magnesium sulfate Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor (MAOI's) Nephrotoxicity Start another IV in the opposite arm Skeletal muscle relaxers Cold medicines Constricting cranial arteries 6-14 hours Slower rate of action 1 Chemotherapy meds typically have this adverse effect 2 A pt starting the med "Isoniazid" (INH) for Tuberculosis should have this lab test done prior to receiving the first dose 3 Beta-blockers can cause this potential adverse effect 4 Corticosteroids have the potential adverse effect of lowering potassium and causing this condition 5 This long-acting insulin has no peak action and a duration of 24hrs 6 This potential adverse effect of amphetamine/dextroamphetamine administration should be reported to the doctor 7 This non-opioid analgesic is generally considered safe to take with most meds as well as during pregnancy 8 Antibiotics have a suppressive effect on this form of medication 9 Continual PT/INR monitoring is required for a pt taking this anticoagulant 10 Levothyroxine has this effect in pts taking Warfarin 11 A diabetic pt presents with stable blood sugar levels & no complications of diabetes. This is an example of this positive outcome: 12 NSAIDs taken with other meds carry this potential adverse effect 13 The movement of this electrolyte contributes to muscle contraction & relaxation 14 Good hygiene with a soft bristle toothbrush is important teaching for a pt taking this anti-seizure med 15 This is the priority assessment for a pt taking Oxybutynin 16 Dry mouth is a potential adverse effect of taking this med that is commonly used for motion sickness Vision changes Increased risk for GI bleed Phenytoin Increases effectiveness of Warfarin Calcium Bronchospasm Bone marrow suppression Liver enzyme test Dimenhydrinate Glargine Oral contraceptives Heart palpitations Acetaminophen Effective drug therapy Hypokalemia Warfarin (coumadin)