Relacionar Columnas Meds affecting musculoskeletal & digestive systemsVersión en línea Match each Subcategory with its action or use por Kristie Borgheiinck 1 block the histamine (H2) receptors in stomach, reduces gastric acid 2 suppress gastric acid secretion by inhibiting the acid pump system of the gastric mucosa 3 Increases bone density 4 decrease intestinal peristalsis 5 reduces flatus 6 prolongs bleeding time by inhibiting the aggregation of platelets 7 inhibit uric acid production 8 reduce the acidity of the stomach 9 increase motility of upper GI tract w/o increasing production of gastric secretions 10 induce vomitting 11 NSAIDs :an enzyme that triggers pain & inflammation 12 reduce the inflammatory response by repressing the expression of pro-inflammatory immune cells 13 anti inflammatory 14 treatment of various acute painful musculoskeletal conditions 15 Produce immunosuppression 16 Corticosteroid: protein made by certain immune & non-immune cells that has an effect on immune system 17 reduce acid secretion or protect gastric mucosa 18 increase digestion of fats 19 anti-inflammatory, anti-pyretic, and analgesic actions 20 analgesic and antipyreticactivity but does not have anti-inflammatory action; 21 inhibit neurotransmitters that stimulate vomiting aminosalicylates Salicylates Non-salicylate analgesic Bone resorption inhibitors NSAIDs Misc. acid reducers Antacid Histamine (H2) receptor antagonists DMARDs antidiarrheal antiflatulents GI stimulants COX-2 antiemetics Corticosteroids pancreatic enzyme Cytokine Uric acid inhibitors emetics Proton pump inhibitor Skeletal Muscle Relaxants 1 used for pancreatic insufficiency with chronic pancreatitis, cystic fibrosis, GI bypass surgery, ductal obstruction secondary to tumor 2 used for Crohn's, ulcerative colitis, & other inflammatory conditions 3 treats N/V/D, typically used prophalactically 4 Used for gastric, duodenal (esp. Hellicobactor pylori infections), GERD, erosive esophagitis, & pathological hyper-secretory conditions 5 used for short term relief or prevention of constipation 6 used for heartburn, acid indigestion, sour stomach, GERD, PUD, gastric ulcers 7 Used for peptic ulcers 8 treatment of osteoporosis, hypercalcemia of malignant diseases & bony metastasis with solid tumors, & Paget's disease 9 used for post op gas distension & air swallowing, dyspepsia, peptic ulcer, IBS, diverticulosis, nonspecific pruritis w/ dialysis, antidote for poison 10 used for accidental ingestion of poison or drug OD; guidelines established by the FDA 11 action may be due to sedative activity 12 used for treatment & prevention of gout 13 uses heartburn, acid indigestion, GERD, gastric/duodenal ulcers, & hypersecretory conditions 14 used to treat diarrhea 15 treats autoimmune disorders: RA, SLE, ankylosing spondylitis, mixed connective tissue disease, Crohn's, ulcerative colitis 16 inhibit prostagaldines 17 Used for GERD, gastroparesis (gastric stasis in diabetics), esophagitis, cancer chemotherapy (antiemetic to inhibit CTZ), postop to prevent ileus 18 does not inhibit platelet aggregation 19 Management of chronic alcoholism in patients who require or desire an enforced state of sobriety laxatives DMARDs emetics antidiarrheal Misc. acid reducers antiflatulents pancreatic enzyme Histamine (H2) receptor antagonists Uric acid inhibitors aminosalicylates Non-salicylate analgesic antacid Skeletal Muscle Relaxants NSAIDs GI stimulants antiemetics Proton pump inhibitor Bone resorption inhibitors antialcoholic