Relacionar Columnas 10th grade tier 2 vocab definition matchingVersión en línea Matching tier 2 vocab from the 10th grade level to their definitions por Briar Walker 1 Advocate 2 Abstract 3 Ambiguous 4 Alternative 5 Admonish A different option Unclear, with more than one meaning. Warn or reprimand someone firmly Existing as an idea or concept, rather than having a physical existance. A person who supports or works towards a goal or cause 1 Analogy 2 Anarchy 3 Assimilate 4 Assideous 5 Advocate To publicly recommend or support something Disorder based on a lack of recognised authority An explanation using a comparison Showing great care and perseverance To learn and understand something, and to become a part of it 1 Belligerent 2 Authentic 3 Bureuacratic 4 Bolster 5 Augment Hostile and aggressive To make something greater by adding to it Support, strengthen, or prop up Honest, accurate, and genuine Relating to the way organisations and businesses are run; often used to talk about how unnecessarily complex organisational systems can be 1 Coalition 2 Collaborate 3 Comply 4 Circumvent 5 Cohesive To do as required to asked, especially to follow rules To stick together and be united To work together, especially on a joint project To find a way around something, usually an obstacle or rules An alliance formed for a specific goal 1 Connotation 2 Constituent 3 Criteria 4 Contingent 5 Concurrent Something, often a meaning, suggested by a word or thing To be happening at the same time A standard to use to make a judgement or decision Dependant on something else An essential component 1 Deplore 2 Disseminate 3 Demeanor 4 Disparity 5 Derogatory a noticeable difference To spread and disperse Behaviour towards others; outward manner Expressive of a low opinion To strongly regret or disagree with something that happened 1 Dormant 2 Distraught 3 Divert 4 Egocentric 5 Dissident Very worried or upset Cause someone or something to change course or direction thinking only of oneself, self-centred Temporarily inactive Disagreeing, especially with the common organisation or system 1 Eradicate 2 Emulate 3 Estrange 4 Elusive 5 Equitable Difficult to find Destroy or end completely To be like someone, to copy or imitate them cause (someone) to no longer be on friendly terms with someone Fair to all parties involved 1 Exacerbate 2 Fabricate 3 Fortuitous 4 Expedite 5 Facilitate To make something, usually a problem or something negative, worse To make something, often to make up a lie To make something happen sooner or more quickly Happening by lucky chance To make something happen or make it easier 1 Illicit 2 Imminent 3 Heinous 4 Hypothetical 5 Fraudulent Done using deception, especially criminal deception Forbidden by law, rules, or customs About to happen Evil, loathsome, and wicked Not yet decided, but the current theory