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Software design patterns

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Word roulette on some software design patterns

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Software design patterns Versión en línea

Word roulette on some software design patterns


Starts with A

In this pattern, an interface creates sets or families of related objects without specifying the class name.

Starts with B

Allows to produce different types and representations of an object using the same construction code. It is used for step-by-step creation of a complex object by combining simple objects. The final creation of objects depends on the stages of the creative process, but is independent of other objects.

Starts with C

It is used to group objects as a single object. It allows you to compose objects into tree structures and then work with these structures as if they were individual objects.

Starts with D

This pattern restricts the alteration of the object structure while adding new functionality. The initial class remains unchanged while a class provides additional capabilities.

Contains E

It is used to link two interfaces that are not compatible and use their functionalities. The adapter allows the classes to work together in another way that they could not because they are incompatible interfaces.

Starts with F

Provides an interface to create objects in a superclass, but allows subclasses to alter the type of objects to be created. Provides implicit object instantiation through common interfaces.

Contains G

In this pattern there is a structural alteration in the main and interface implementer classes without having any effect between them. These two classes can be developed independently and are only connected using an interface as a bridge.

Contains H

It is used with components that have similarity where a code template can be implemented to test both components. The code can be changed with minor modifications.

Starts with I

It is used to evaluate the language or expression by creating an interface that indicates the context for the interpretation.

Starts with M

This pattern provides an easy communication through its class that allows communication for several classes.

Contains N

The pattern allows to traverse elements of a collection without exposing its underlying representation.

Starts with O

Allows to define a subscription mechanism to notify several objects about any event that happens to the object being observed.

Starts with P

Allows you to copy existing objects without making your code dependent on their classes. It is used to restrict memory/database operations by keeping modification to a minimum using object copies.

Contains R

The design pattern is a behavioral pattern that avoids coupling the sender of a request to its receiver by giving more than one object the possibility of responding to a request.

Starts with S

This design pattern restricts the creation of instances of a class to a single object.

Contains T

Its utility is to provide sequential access to a number of elements present within a collection object without any exchange of relevant information.

Starts with V

The purpose of a Visitor pattern is to define a new operation without introducing modifications to an existing object structure.

Contains W

The pattern is used to reduce memory usage and improve performance by reducing object creation. The pattern looks for similar objects that already exist for reuse instead of creating new ones that are similar.

Contains X

It is used to create objects that can represent functions of other classes or objects and the interface is used to access these functionalities.

Contains Y

It allows you to define a family of algorithms, put each of them in a separate class and make their objects interchangeable.

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