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Physics & chemistry 2º ESO II

Ruleta de Palabras

Repaso hasta tema reacciones químicas

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Physics & chemistry 2º ESO IIVersión en línea

Repaso hasta tema reacciones químicas

por María José Salamanca

Empieza por A

Precipitation that is unusually acidic, typically with a pH level below 5.6, due to the emission of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide gases into the atmosphere, which react with water molecules to form sulfuric acid and nitric acid.

Empieza por B

The industrial sector involved in the production of large quantities of chemicals and chemical products, including petrochemicals, polymers, specialty chemicals, and basic inorganic chemicals, such as chlorine, ammonia, and sulfuric acid. Three words.

Empieza por C

A long-term alteration in global or regional climate patterns, primarily caused by the increased emission of greenhouse gases from human activities. Two words.

Empieza por D

Action refers to the clearing or removal of forested areas that can lead to a variety of negative impacts on the environment, including habitat loss, soil erosion, water pollution, climate change, and the loss of biodiversity.

Empieza por E

Refers to the natural world and surroundings in which living organisms exist, including both physical and biotic factors. Acid rain and climatic change are two problems that afect it.

Empieza por F

A shorthand way of representing a molecule using symbols and subscripts to indicate the types and numbers of atoms present.

Empieza por G

A primary product of the petroleum industry and is refined from crude oil in oil refineries.

Empieza por H

An organic compound composed of only hydrogen and carbon atoms, often used as a fuel source.

Empieza por I

A type of electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than visible light, which plays an important role in the "greenhouse effect" by trapping heat in the atmosphere, contributing to the warming of the planet. Two words.

Empieza por J

The SI unit of energy

Empieza por K

Symbol of the potassium element.

Empieza por L

The law that states that in a chemical reaction, the total mass of the reactants is equal to the total mass of the products. 5 words

Empieza por M

A group of atoms held together by covalent bonds, forming the smallest unit of a chemical compound that can take part in a chemical reaction.

Empieza por N

Produced primarily from human activities such as combustion of fossil fuels, which include transportation, power generation, and industrial processes, play a significant role in the formation of acid rain.

Empieza por O

A gas molecule made up of three oxygen atoms. It is a naturally occurring component of the Earth's atmosphere and is found primarily in the stratosphere, where it helps to protect the planet from harmful ultraviolet radiation from the sun.

Empieza por P

A measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution

Empieza por Q

To measure and assess the extent of harm caused by human activities to natural resources or ecosystems. Two words.

Empieza por R

Substance that participates in a chemical reaction and undergoes a chemical change, resulting in the formation of one or more new substances.

Empieza por S

A naturally occurring mineral compound composed of sodium chloride (NaCl).

Empieza por T

A measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance.

Empieza por U

Electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength shorter than visible light, often responsible for causing sunburn and skin damage. Two words.

Empieza por V

The tendency of a substance to vaporize.

Empieza por W

A natural substance that comes from trees and is used for a variety of purposes, such as building materials, furniture, paper, and fuel.

Empieza por X

A chemical substance that is foreign to an organism or ecosystem, and that may have harmful effects on living organisms and the environment.

Empieza por Y

The color of the container where you should recycle plastic containers.

Empieza por Z

The DGT label that identifies low-emission vehicles. Two words

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