World Cup MascotsVersión en línea Two friends talk about World Cup Mascots from the past por Adriana Aranda Tomas Hi Greta! Are you excited about the upcoming World Cup? Greta Of course! You know I’m into football! Tomas I’m not into football but I like international sports events like the World Cup. Greta Then, you should watch the opening ceremony! I think it’ll be more amazing than Russia’s opening ceremony in 2018! Tomas I won’t miss it! Besides, I want to see the new World Cup Mascot. Greta Do you think it is prettier than Zabivaka? Tomas They are completely different! I can’t decide! Greta What is your favourite mascot? Tomas It’s difficult to say. I think animal mascots are more charming than human mascots. Greta I agree. Fuleco and Zakumi are also more popular than Gauchito and Juanito. They have got more fans. Tomas You’re right. I think food mascots are boring too!