Memory 5 HAYAS AND 5 HUBIERASVersión en línea hayas y hubieras por Perla Mairany Paez Lizardo Me gusta que haya música en la fiesta. If we had talking. I would've working in the restaurant. Si hubiera animales, yo los cuidaría. They want there to be food in them house. Cuando José se haya dormido, nos vamos. Without they have finished , they won't go. ¿Hubiera él cancelado la cita? Yo necesitaba que hubiera menos peligro. I needed there to be less danger. Would he have canceled the date? You would've eating early. When i have eaten, i will go. Eventhough there are animals, i won't go. Cuando haya comido, me iré. Hasta que Ana haya hablado, me voy con ella. I like there to be music in the party. Hubieras comido temprano. Yo hubiera trabajado en el restaurante. When there are pencils, i will do my homework. There wouldn't be dogs on the street if they were cared for. Hubiera más vacaciones si las escuelas dieran. Would there be less accidents if people drove better? Until Ana has talked, i go with her. If there were animals, I would take care of it. No hubiera perros en la calle si los cuidaran. When Jose has slepped, we are go. Until there is food, i will eat with my mom. Hasta que haya comida, comeré con mi mamá. Aunque haya animales no iré. Cuando haya lápices, haré mi tarea. Sin que ellos hayan terminado, no irán. Si nosotros hubiéramos hablado. Siempre y cuando haya dinero, puedo ir. If they hadn't going. Ellos quieren que haya comida en su casa. There would be more vacations if the schools gave. As long as there is money, I can go. ¿Hubiera menos accidentes si la gente condujera mejor? Si ellos nos hubieran ido.