Memory 5 hubieras Versión en línea 5 hubieras del ingles por DAVID VICENTE DIAZ LUNA Tipo de verbo que se usa con el "would've" 5 Why wouldn't have paid? He needed there to be less traffic to arrive early Why would you do it, If I hadn't told you to do it? Yo hubiera amado ver esa película en el cine Ella necesitaba que hubiera menos trafico para llegar temprano There would be less pollution, if people doesn't throw a lot of trash Hubiera aprendido mas en presencial? If you had worked more chill, you are not be stressed Would + pronoun + have + V.P.P If there were rules, I would break them If there were less rain, We would go outside to play Si tu hubieras trabajado mas relajado, no estarías estresado We continued towards the market as if nothing had happened. Hubiera otra oportunidad Smells rare, like if there were smoke Huele raro, como si hubiera humo. You would come ¿Por que no hubieras pagado? Nosotros seguimos hacia el mercado como si nada hubiera pasado. Fomula para usar el "Would've" en pregunta As if it had produced something new in your life. Who would have thought: Nadine is a type of dress V.P.P Would I have learned more in presential? Si hubiera habido agua Quién hubiera pensado: Nadine es un tipo de vestido. Como si se hubiera producido algo nuevo en su vida. ¿Por que hubieras hecho eso, Si yo te hubiera dicho que no lo hicieras? Si no hubieran venido, no hubiera problema Hubieras venido If there had been water There would be another chance If you hadn't come, there wouldn't be problem I would love to see this movie in the cinema Numero de "hubieras" en el ingles Si hubiera reglas, yo la hubiera roto Si hubiera menos lluvia, saldríamos a jugar afuera Hubiera menos contaminación, si la gente no tirara mucha basura