MachinesVersión en línea Machines por JAVIER ZAMORANO PEREZ 1 A pulley is a... a Wheel and axle with a rope that wraps around the wheel b A triangular shaped object used to divide another object c Wheels with teeth d Small metal ball to reduce friction between moving parts 2 We use machines for diferent purposes, such as a Healthcare, food production, communication, clothing and transport b Doing homework, working and communication c Communication d Just communication and transport 3 The four basic functions of a computer are... a Input, out put, playing video games and watching Youtube videos b Storage and processing, output and playing video games c Input, storage and processing and output d Searching on Google, playing video games, watching videos and listening to music 4 Input is.... a How the monitor receives information b How the computer receives information c How the mouse receives information d How the keyboard receives information 5 Output a It his how the computer receives information b Once information has been processed, we receive the information in form of images, sound, test, movement, .... c Before information has been processed, we receive the information in form of images, sound, test, movement, .... d Once information has been processed, we receive the information in form of microchips 6 The external parts of a computer are... a Fan, wises and hard drive b CPU, screen, speakers, mouse, keyboard 7 Word processing is... a A type of hardware that allows to create, edit and print texts or documents b A type of hardware that allows to delete print texts or documents c A type of software that allows to create, edit and print texts or documens 8 The internal parts of a computer are... a CPU, screen, speakers, mouse and keyboard b Fan, wises and hard drive 9 The internet is a... a A system of computers across the world b A system of people across the world. c A system of computers across Badajoz 10 Some of the benefits of using internet are: a Viruses can damage computers b Sometimes people use it in the wrong way c Save time by doing things online d The information isn't always accurate