The surface area A of the hexagonal pyramid, either regular or
irregular, is calculated by adding the areas of the lateral faces and the area
of the hexagonal base:
A = Abase + ∑Lateral face
In the formula, the symbol
"∑" represents a sum, to indicate in summary form the sum of the six
areas of the lateral faces.
For the regular hexagonal
pyramid there is a formula to find the area:
A = 3L∙ (apbase + appirámide)
• L is an edge of the
base (the side of the hexagon).
• apbase is the apothema of the base
• appiramid is the apothema of the pyramid.
If the pyramid is not regular, either because the base is not a
regular hexagon or because the pyramid is oblique, it is necessary to calculate
the areas of each separately and then add.
The regular hexagonal pyramid also has a formula for volume:
V = L∙ apbase∙ h
Here "h" represents the height of the pyramid.
And if the hexagonal pyramid is not regular, there is a general
formula, applicable to all pyramids, to calculate its volume:
V = 1/3∙ Abase ∙ h