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Act 4 -Scene 1-Line 1 to Line


Act 4 -Scene 1 -Line to Line 103

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Act 4 -Scene 1-Line 1 to Line Versión en línea

Act 4 -Scene 1 -Line to Line 103

por Karishma Hora

Question 3- Meanings

3.How does the Duke express his sympathy for Antonio and describe Shylock?

sympathy-the feeling that you care about and are sorry about someone else's trouble, grief, misfortune.

hard-hearted-incapable of being moved to pity or tenderness.

opponent-someone who competes with or opposes another in a contest, game, or argument.

iota -a very small amount


Question 4


Question 4- Meanings

1.reassures- say or do something to remove the doubts or fears of (someone)

2.severity- intensity or sharpness

3. in vain-without success or a result.

4.intransigent-unwilling or refusing to change one's views or to agree about something.

5 resigned to his fate- feeling or showing acceptance that something unwanted or unpleasant will happen or cannot be changed.

6.aggression-feelings of anger or antipathy resulting in hostile or violent behaviour

7. fortitude-courage in pain or adversity


Act 4 -Scene 1-Line 1 to Line 103 Question 6 - Word Web


Question 6-Meanings

1.hearts as hard as brass-extremely confident and indifferent to people's opinions.

2.flintstone- a hard kind of stone

3.savage-fierce, violent, and uncontrolled.

4. will relent -to become less severe, harsh, or strict usually from reasons of humanity.

5. ruined-loss of wealth, position, etc., or something that causes such loss; downfall.

6. favourable- something beneficial


Question 7-Word Web


Question 7-Meanings

1.curtly -in a way that is very quick and slightly rude.

2. intention -  something that you want and plan to do

3. oath- a serious promise that you will tell the truth or that you will do what you have said.

4. Sabbath- a day of religious observance and abstinence from work.

5. forfeiture- the loss or giving up of something as a penalty for wrongdoing.


Question 10- Word Web


Question 10-Meanings

1.repayment- the action of paying back a loan.

2.terms of the bond-the condition of being held together

3.honoured- regarded with great respect.

4.theme-the subject of a talk

5-hypothetical- not real : imagined

6.infested-to inhabit or overrun in numbers or quantities large enough to be harmful, threatening, or obnoxious

7-exorbitant-(of a price or amount charged) unreasonably high.

8-whim-a sudden desire or change of mind, especially one that is unusual or unexplained.

9.-frenzy-a state or period of uncontrolled excitement or wild behaviour.

10.drone of a bagpipe-a pipe of the bagpipe that is tuned to produce a single continuous tone.

11. abide-accept or act in accordance with (a rule, decision, or recommendation).

12-substantial-of considerable importance, size, or worth.

13.fancy-feel a desire or liking .


Act 4 -Scene 1-Line 1 to Line 103

Q.11-How does Bassanio react to Shylock's explanation?

outraged-to cause someone to feel very angry

Q.12.What is Shylock's reply to Bassanio? 

obliged-make (someone) legally or morally bound to do something.

Q.13 What rhetorical question does Bassanio pose to Shylock? 

rhetorical question -a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.

Q.14. How does Shylock reply to Bassanio's question?      

intensely-to an extreme degree.

Q.15. What argument does Bassanio put forward now ? 

 offence-a breach of a law or rule; an illegal act.

arouse- evoke or awaken   

alluding -is to make indirect reference;  

defaulted- to fail to fulfill a contract, agreement,  

unwarranted-not justified or authorized.

Q.16 How does Shylock reply now ?    

serpent -snake


Question no 17 -Meanings

1.fruitless- failing to achieve the desired results.

2. well-known-widely or generally known.

3.tide-the alternate rising and falling of the sea, usually twice in each lunar day at a particular place, due to the attraction of the moon and sun.

4. ewe  -a female sheep

5.mourn-feel or show sorrow for the death of (someone)

6.outraged-to cause someone to feel very angry

7.arguing-  to give reasons for or against something. 


Question no 17


Question 18,Question 19 & Question 20

18. What offer does Bassanio make now?

ducats-The ducat was a gold or silver coin used as a trade coin in Europe from the later Middle Ages until as late as the 20th century

19. What does Shylock say to this offer?

thirty six thousand ducats.

20. What appeal does the Duke make to Shylock ?

mercy -compassion or forgiveness shown towards someone whom it is within one's power to punish or harm.


Question no 21


Question 21

1.retorts- say something in answer to a remark, typically in a sharp, angry, or witty manner.

2.harsh- cruel or severe.

3.slave-a person who is the legal property of another and is forced to obey them

4. miserably- in a pitiable or contemptible manner.

5.humiliating- making someone feel ashamed and foolish by injuring their dignity and pride.

6.menial task-Menial work is very boring, and the people who do it have a low status and are usually badly paid.

7.spare-to refrain from harming or destroying

8 heir-a person who will legally receive money, property, or a title from another person

9. shamed -the act or activity of subjecting someone to shame


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