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Pyramid Activity


Through an activity in educaplay, you will test what you have learned about the pyramid.

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Pyramid ActivityVersión en línea

Through an activity in educaplay, you will test what you have learned about the pyramid.

por leyder muñoz bolaños

My mother among her collection has an orgonite pyramid (see image), whose capacity is 128 cm3, the area of its base is 16 cm2. What will its height be?


Find the Total area of the roof of a hut that is shaped like a Pyramid (see image) whose base is square 3.5m and the height is 10 meters.


A pyramid (see image) with a square base whose measure is 5cm, and the lateral edge is 8 cm. How high is the pyramid? A) h=7,17m B) h=7,17cm C) h=8,2m D) h=8,2cm


Find the volume of a glamping that has the shape of a Pyramid (see image) whose base is square 3.5m and the height is 10 meters.


They gave me a collection pyramid from Egypt (see picture) whose base side is equal to 7 cm and the height is 12 cm. I want to know what is the area of ​​the base and its volume. What will it be?


3. Using the volume formula, we solve for h where in this way the height of the pyramid is found.

The basic concepts are put to the test, given their elements, by means of the Pythagorean theorem, the value of the apothems is found, to later find the value of the lateral area, which are 4 triangles and then multiply it by 4 and add it to the area from the base.

The Pythagorean theorem is used

Through the clue in the question, the volume value is found by the value of the area of the base and is multiplied by the height and divided by 3.

Through the basic concepts of area of ​​a square and volume of a pyramid are found.

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