Dialogue-Birthday PartyVersión en línea Dialogue-Birthday Party por Karishma Hora Tina Yes, please Mom. I’d like to have a party. I’m so excited Mummy Okay. But, let’s have a small one this year. We don’t want too many people crowding into our house during this covid pandemic. Mummy Tina, your birthday comes on Saturday. Do you want to have a birthday party? Tina Okay, Mom. I wish I could invite all my friends. But we can’t. I’ll call four of my best friends from school. I’ll also invite my two best friends from the building. Will that be fine? Mummy Yes dear. Don’t forget, Uncle and Aunty will be coming with your cousins Maya and Sujeet. Tina That’s cool. What shall we have for the party? Mummy Papa is ordering your favourite chocolate cake along with wafers. He has also ordered party hats. What else would you like? Tina Mom, you know I love your pav-bhaji. Please make it. And could we have lemonade? Mummy Of course, dear. Papa will also arrange for you and your friends to play some games. And I am wrapping some gifts as goodie bags. Tina Yipee! I think my birthday party is going to be a fun event. Thank you, Mom. I love you. I’ll start mailing my invitations