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Life events

There have been lots of studies about adolescents, and the way they handle this stage of life depends on different factors. To understand this interesting stage, we can go through the cycle of life. Before we are born, it is amazing how we grow inside our mothers for about forty weeks. After we are born, time goes by fast. Childhood is the time to discover the world and learn many things. After that, we go through one of the most challenging stages in life, our teenage years, called “adolescence.” Later, when we think we are mature and everything will be simpler, we are sometimes more confused. Eventually, we decide if we want to have a family, to make money, to travel the world, to buy things. If things go wrong, we get disappointed. Finally, we become elderly, we are relaxed, but health problems usually start unless you have a healthy life with a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Foreign Language 10º EGB chilhood adolescence elderly Edad recomendada: 14 años
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