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1 . - I'm afraid there's been a ____________________ ____________________ with your grouip . We'll send you to another course as listener .
2 . - They charged me $3000 for the books , that's a complete ____________________ ____________________ .
3 . - They had a ____________________ ____________________ in the system and we couldn't continue with the online class .
4 . - You can't use the website because you don't have a ____________________ ____________________ , check in the reception .
5 . - The ____________________ ____________________ for the teachers is at 9 pm in case you need them .
6 . - The teacher ____________________ students , that's so rude .
7 . - I don't know anything about English so this is a big ____________________ for me .
8 . - Some teachers have their ____________________ from different countries .
9 . - I'm so nervous about my first class . I hope I ____________________ in the group .
10 . When I fail , I feel so frustrated and disappointed that I just ____________________ .
11 . In this app I talk to different people around the world . It's fun and there's no cultural ____________________ .
12 . I'm not good at reading , ____________________ ____________________ at speaking .
13 . Initially , English can be ____________________ , everything is new , and difficult but eventually you get a hold of it .
14 . OMG ! i ____________________ passed the last course . I got 70 . 1% Thank goodness .