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1 . - The director ____________________ me to finish the lists by tomorrow .
2 . - The teachers don't ____________________ students speak in Spanish .
3 . - I didn't want to work on Saturdays but the Coordinator Nataly ____________________ me to do it . She had very good arguments .
4 . - Once I ____________________ a student who constanlty begged me to pass him so I gave him extra activities to get a passing grade .
5 . - My co - workers ____________________ me if I had given TOEFL courses before .
6 . - The Institute ____________________ it has the best teachers . Some of usare , some of us are not so good .
7 . - I always ____________________ my students when we have projects and exams .
8 . - I ____________________ you to get good grades .
9 . - My best friend is always ____________________ gossips to me .
10 I'm ____________________ you answer this .