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Most common dislocation in the hand - ____________________

Most common fracture in the hand - ____________________

Most common benign tumor in the spine ? ____________________

Most common malignant tumor in the spine ? ____________________ carcioma

Most common benign tumor in the skull - ____________________

Most common tumor in the hand - ____________________

Formula for radiation dose : ____________________ ( n - 14 )

Overhanging edge sign : ____________________

Hahn's fissure represent : ____________________ grooves

Best view for a Pancoast tumor : AP ____________________

Risser sign is found on the : ____________________ crest

____________________ fracture is a ____fracture . - Seatbelt / Fulcrum

Best view for the intercondylar fossa : ____________________ view

Best view to see a posterior fat pad : ____________________ elbow

What color is oxidized developer : ____________________

Ground glass appearance : ____________________ dysplasia

Pelligrini Steida's : medial collateral ligament of ____________________

OCI seen in : ostitis condease illi ? ____________________

Scotty dog :

Nose : ____________________

Foreleg : Inf . Articular ____________________

Collar : ____________________

Pain relieved by aspirin : osteoid ____________________ and ____________________ Abcess

Branching black lines : ____________________ electricit y