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Santi , Indonesia
Yes , I enjoy cooking , especially with my sister because I prepare all the things , but she will wash . That's our ____________________ , and I like to cook with the simple ____________________ , less than five because it will take little time .

Tom , U . K .
I ____________________ never cook . I used to cook when I was in university , but I never got very far with it . It was ____________________ , and I have a microwave and a ____________________ in my apartment and that's it , and I would never cook for ____________________ person .

George , U . S .
Do I enjoy cooking ? Yes , I do . Ever since I started to live on my ____________________ , I've really ____________________ to enjoy cooking , of course I don't like the dishes . My ____________________ is one month ____________________ of not doing the dishes , so of course not after doing the dishes for about a month , there's a really interesting ____________________ that starts to develop .

Buddhi , Sri Lanka
Do I enjoy cooking ? Well , I don't really enjoy cooking cause I'm not a very good cook . Well , I like to try new things , and like to experiment in cooking , but I don't really enjoy . I like baking and I like trying new things out , but not particularly cooking .

David , Kenya
Do I enjoy cooking ? Yes , I do enjoy cooking , especially when I have free time on the weekends . I live with my ____________________ and we cook together at times . We cook ____________________ foods from Africa . That's where I come from , Kenya in ____________________ , and yeah , I enjoy cooking .

Hanna , Australia
I do not enjoy cooking in the ____________________ . I'm a terrible cook and I will eat anything so I have absolutely no ____________________ to cook .