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A . Carpal Tunnel - ( soft tissue and / or bony compression of ____________________ nerve )

S / S : Pain radiates ( into hand , arm , neck ) , tingling , numbness , ____________________ , cool hands shake for relief , night pain often

Dx : ____________________ , ____________________ , Compression Test ( thumbs on volar surface of wrist 15 sec - 2 min ) .

NCV , EMG , Tourniquet test ( cuff diminishes arterial flow 30 - 60 sec )

Tx : Eliminate cause ( job modification , endocrine , pregnancy , PMS , etc . )

____________________ ( wrist , elbow , neck ) : Nutrition ( B6 )

PT : Ice and HVG ( acute ) moist heat and diathermy ( chronic ) ; Exercise : ( putty )

____________________ : cock - up or plaster ; Work : modify , ____________________ , stretch

B . Tunnel of Guyon - ( compression of ____________________ nerve between pisiform and hamate )

S / S : Numbness and weakness of last two ____________________

Dx : ____________________ , muscle test , NCV

Tx : ____________________ , PT

C . ____________________ - ( taut fascia leads to nodules and flexion contracture of the last 2 - 3 digits )

S / S : Familial , related to ____________________ , post vascular accident

Dx : Palpation of fascia , MRI

Tx : ____________________

D . Volkmann's Ischemic Contracture ( last 2 - 3 digits )

S / S : Post trauma usually ( ____________________ fracture )

Dx : History , MRI

Tx : Adjust elbow , shoulder , and spine , PT

E . ____________________ Hand ( last 2 - 3 digits )

Tx : ____________________ ( ulnar nerve )