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Fibrocystic Disease : Regresses after ____________________

Hormones : ____________________ : responsible for maturation of the follicle

____________________ : most responsible for ovulation

____________________ : uterine contractions during labor and milk let down following delivery

____________________ : responsible for milk production

____________________ : Never given birth to a viable infant

____________________ : First pregnancy with first viable ( able to have lived ) infant

____________________ : More than one delivery of viable infants

Sign of Pregnancy : ____________________ Sign - softening of the servix

____________________ Sign ? softening at the site of implantation

____________________ Sign ? bluish discoloration of the vagina

____________________ Sign ? softening of the tip of the cervix

Braxton Hick Contractions : Contractions that occur early in pregnancy and become more intense

as labor approaches

____________________ causes uterine contractions

____________________ : Mask of pregnancy

____________________ : First breast milk


____________________ : When baby drops in the pelvis 2 weeks before delivery

Produces lower abdominal pain

____________________ : First perception by the mother of fetal life

Dilation of the Cervix : The expansion or stretching of the cervix during the first stage of labor

____________________ : Complete dilation of the cervix

____________________ : Decent of the fetal skull to the level of the ischial spines

____________________ : Cheesy like covering over the body of newborn

____________________ : First discharge from the intestine of newborn ( greenish - black color )

Stages of Labor : First : from the first meaningful contraction to the full dilation of the cervix to ____________________

Centimeters ? longest time of labor

Second : from full dilation of the cervix to delivery of the baby

Third : from delivery of baby to delivery of the placenta

Involution : a period of time from delivery of the placenta to 6 weeks after delivery ; a

time in which organs return to their original ____________________

____________________ : Post partum discharge from the vagina after delivery and throughout the puerperium ; first rubra

( red ) , then ____________________ ( yellow ) , and lastly ____________________ ( white )

Dysmenorrhea : Painful menses thought to be due to ____________________

Placenta :

____________________ : low lying placenta

____________________ : normally placed , detaches from site

____________________ : does not separate after delivery

____________________ : Period of time after the delivery of the placenta to the complete envolution of the organs ; infection during this time is referred to as

Puerperal Sepsis ? if woman runs a fever

Classification of Pap Smears : taken at the tip of the cervix and surrounding structures

I ? normal

II ? atypical or benign

III - ____________________

IV - in ____________________

V - malignancy ( most common malignancy of the female genital tract : cervix )

____________________ : First menstrual cycle

____________________ : Herniation of the urinary bladder into the vagina

____________________ : Herniation of the rectum into the vagina

Feels like a collapsible pouch along the posterior vaginal wal l