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Genetic Disorders
____________________ : XO , female , short stature , webbed neck , lacks female secondary sex characteristics 45X karyotype

Kleinfelter's : XXY , tall male , low IQ , ____________________ atrophy , ____________________ , sterile

Down's : Trisomy ____________________ , male or female , retarded

____________________ X : the most common form of mental retardation involving a minimum of 2 X chromosomes and one or more Y chromosomes

Phenylketonuria : cannot convert phenylalanine to ____________________ due to lack of phenylalanine hydrolase , retardation can be controlled by diet if caught early

Von Gierke's : lacks enzyme to breakdown glycogen . Excessive amounts of glycogen deposited in the ____________________

Tay Sachs : increased ganglioside content in the brain ( glycosphingolipid ) , hexosaminidase A deficiency , cherry red spots in the ____________________ , infant death

____________________ : excess glucocerebroside in the brain , liver and spleen

Krabbe's : excess galactocerebroside in ____________________ matter .

Niemann Pick's : abnormal increase ____________________

Alkaptonuria : accumulation of homogentisic acid , blue black deposits in the ears , nose and cheeks . Produces ochronosis causing calcification of the discs of the spine . Urine turns ____________________ on standing

Duchenne's MD : seen mostly in ____________________ 3 - 7 years of age . Produces hypertrophy of the calf muscles . Recessive sex linked gene . Increased CPK

Teratoma : ____________________ of all three germinal layers .

Adenoma : tumor of ____________________ tissue

____________________ : cancer of the stomach that metastasizes to the ovary .

Wilm's : Mixed tumor of the kidney in ____________________ .

____________________ : tumor of smooth muscle ( fibroids in the uterus )

Rhabdomyoma : tumor of ____________________ muscle or heart muscle

Osteosarcoma : most common bone cancer in ____________________

Multiple myeloma : most common ____________________ malignancy in adults

____________________ : most common form of cancer in the spine

Lipoma : fatty tumor

____________________ : benign tumor of blood vessels

Xanthoma : yellow tumor of connective tumor

Chondroma : benign tumor of ____________________

Papilloma : associated with ____________________

____________________ : cancer of testes , most common

Virchow's nodes : enlarged ____________________ lymph nodes due to metastasis , usually GI trac t