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I always buy my clothes In the sales and this weekend I found some real bargains ! I wanted to buy a couple of shirts , so I went into M&S My local branch has got a ____________________ ____________________ of different styles and colours . They're generally well made and of ____________________ ____________________ . Anyway , I found these packs of two for £20 . which thought was pretty ____________________ ____________________ , as you normally pay that for one . Unfortunately , the only ones they had in my size were green and brown . Green isn't my colour ; it just doesn´t ____________________ ____________________ at all ! Then I found a lovely ____________________ coat that I bought for visiting clients , and a ____________________ woollen sweater to keep me warm in winter . It's red , which will be ____________________ and cheerful on those cold grey morningsl

Well , I was feeling pretty pleased with myself . so I thought I'd have a look in the Mobile Shop next , to see what offers there were on mobiles . I really fancied the new Ericsson model . They're usually a ____________________ brand and ____________________ Ionger than a lot of others . However . when the guy in the shop started telling me about all the extra features on it , it seemed really ____________________ , I couldn't understand what he was talking about , so I decided I'd bought enough for one day .