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Once upon a time , a very ____________________ man named Max , he was a Walmart ____________________ , it was a great ____________________ for him .
He was very ____________________ , and his boss trusted him a lot .
One day , during work , he smelled a terrible ____________________ , he started to ____________________ , where was the odor from ?
He discovered that it was a horrible rat .
He was so scared , so he called the " GOODBYE RAT ____________________ "
And the boss was so proud of Max that he ____________________ him to be the future boss .
One day , Max was driving to his house , when he had a terrible car ____________________ .
Nobody knew it , but he was studying an acting ____________________ and the Walmart´s work was only meanwhile he studied .
He was handsome , so his future in Broadway , was 100% sure , but after his terrible accident , he suffered several damages in his face . Many people suggested him to go to the Police ____________________ , but he wanted to go to the hospital to ask for a facial repair surgery .
The doctors told him that that surgery was so dangerous and very ____________________ . He started crying and he said that it was an ____________________ , because he had an audition in Televisa and he had been there before and had a GREAT ____________________ there .
He was so excited , because he was going to be the first actor in his family ( he lived in ? The North ____________________ of Baja California ? ) .
He was making the audition for a movie called ? The Crazy ____________________ ? . It was about a Football Team , that was going to play in the must important match of the year , but during the training they had to pass many funny things , for example , they went trapped during a ____________________ , but one of the team´s skills was that they had ____________________ .
After the operation , Max , kept the main role of the film and said :
" I will ____________________ working at Walmart until I finish paying for my studies " .
Max , he was very proud of him , because since the moment he thought " I'm going to ____________________ that acting is for me " , he worked and waited ____________________ and he reached his biggest dream , and when he didn´t want to continue , he always remembered the words of his grandpa that was an European ____________________ , that said :
? When you think you´re going to lose , you have to remember that many people believe in you my dear , you will always find a ____________________ in the people you ____________________ ? .