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1 . His business success brought him great ____________________ at an early age . He was a billionaire by the age of 30

2 . Experts ____________________ that the number of people employed by small businessess will grow by 10 percent in the next 20 years

3 . Wow , the new design makes the restaurant look completely different . The change is ____________________ .

4 . In my country , many young people ____________________ ____________________ very soon after college . By the age of 30 , most are married and have one or two children

5 . That singer was an ____________________ ____________________ . One day seh was singing in a small club for almost no money , and the next day she had a number one song .

6 . He didn't have any money of his own , so he had to find an ____________________ to help hhim start his business .

7 . He has been working 24 hours a day for three days without any sleep at all . He plans on spending the whole weekend in bed to ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ his sleep .

8 . He's retired now . His daughter ____________________ the ____________________ .

9 . She complains ____________________ . She never has anything positive to say

10 . Owning a business is more difficult than most people think . In fact , many small businesses enter into ____________________ .