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1 . When I phoned my friends , they ____________________ ____________________ ( play ) monopoly .
2 . Yesterday at six I ____________________ ____________________ ( prepare ) dinner .
3 . The kids ____________________ ____________________ ( play ) in the garden when it suddenly started to rain .
4 . I ____________________ ____________________ ( practice ) the guitar when he came home .
5 . We ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not / cycle ) all day .
6 . While Aaron ____________________ ____________________ ( work ) in his room , his friends ____________________ ____________________ ( swim ) in the pool .
7 . I tried to tell them the truth but they ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( listen / not ) .
8 . What ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( you / do ) yesterday ?
9 . Most of the time we ____________________ ____________________ ( sit ) in the park .
10 . Julie ____________________ ____________________ ( sleep ) at three o'clock .
11 . You ____________________ ____________________ ( study ) at three o'clock .
12 . Luke ____________________ ____________________ ( read ) at three o'clock .
13 . I ____________________ ____________________ ( work ) at three o'clock .
14 . They ____________________ ____________________ ( eat ) chocolate at three o'clock .
15 . John ____________________ ____________________ ( play ) tennis at three o'clock .
16 . We ____________________ ____________________ TV ( watch ) TV at three o'clock .
17 . He ____________________ ____________________ ( use ) the internet at three o'clock .
18 . You ____________________ ____________________ ( cook ) lunch at three o'clock .
19 . [ We ____________________ ____________________ ( travel ) to London at three o'clock .
20 . Mrs Brown ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not / walk ) in the garden when the murder happened .