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Complete the conversation .

Salma : What can we cook for your brother and his girlfriend ?
Jake : Let's make ____________________ pizza .
Salma : Good idea . Are there ____________________ tomatoes ?
Jake : Yes . And there are ____________________ mushrooms , too .
Salma : Great !
Jake : Oh no ! There isn't ____________________ cheese !
Salma : Oh . Wait a minute . I bought ____________________ steak yesterday . Are there ____________________ potatoes ?
Jake : Yes , there are .
Salma : Good . So we can have steak and chips . Do we have ____________________ fruit ?
Jake : I think we have ____________________ oranges . Yes , and there's ____________________ apple and ____________________ bananas , too .
Salma : OK . We can make ____________________ fruit salad for dessert .
Jake : OK . Let's start cooking .