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In Aconcagua Provincial Park , many interesting animal and plant species are living . Apart from the larger guanacos and pumas , smaller mammals such as red ____________________ , mountain ____________________ and the exotic European ____________________ are found . There are also different kinds of reptiles such as ____________________ and the Andean ____________________ . Regarding birdlife , small species such as the Andean ____________________ can be seen , and ____________________ and ____________________ visit the base camps in search for food . Raptos such as ____________________ , ____________________ and condors fly in the altitude . Also , waterfowl like torrent ____________________ live in the water streams and ____________________ . As far as vegetation is concerned , ____________________ and huecú grow in open ____________________ , and small trees such as yellow leña , ____________________ ____________________ and yaretá are found in limited areas .