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1 . ____________________ conditional is used when we talk about ____________________ ____________________ or general truths .
2 . Both the condition and the result in zero conditional sentences are in ____________________ ____________________ tense .
3 . ____________________ conditional is used when we talk about possible future events and their results
4 . In first conditional sentences we use simple ____________________ and simple ____________________ tenses .
5 . ____________________ conditional is used when we talk about ____________________ or ____________________ ____________________ to happen .
6 . ____________________ ____________________ is used to express ____________________ about the past , to explain what we would have done ____________________ .
7 . The sentence : " If I see John , I will tell him your new tomorrow " is an example of ____________________ conditional .
8 . The sentence : " If I go on a boat , I always feel sick " is an example of ____________________ conditiona l