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Match headings 1 - 5 with paragraphs A - E .

1 . Cosmopolitan society
2 . Communication brings us closer
3 . Friendly competitors
4 . A sporting example
5 . Something new is coming

This week's guest writer in Celebrity Comment is Britain's new star athlete Tiago Larsson .

Waving the Flag

A ____________________
Most of us are proud of where we come from . We sing our national anthems and wave our flags ; we cheer when our country wins a gold medal ; we feel different from other nationalities . But the world is changing and it's changing fast and a global community is on its way .

B ____________________
New technologies are breaking down the borders between people . The Internet is helping us to get to know each other . You don't need a passport or a visa to talk on Messenger or Skype . I chat with friends from lots of different countries and I don't mind where they come from . All I know is we enjoy the same things . It's not where you're from that matters the most ; it's who you are that really counts .

C ____________________
Foreign travel too is bringing us together . My mother comes from Brazil , my father's from Sweden , but I live in London and I compete for Great Britain . I speak Swedish , Portuguese and English and in today's world I'm not so unusual . In my neighbourhood you can hear more than a dozen languages , you can eat food from all around the world and there's a wonderful mixture of music and art .

D ____________________
Nationality is still important to us : we follow our flags with pride and compete against other nations . But just because someone comes from another place , doesn't mean they're our enemy . I know lots of athletes from other countries . We're rivals but we get on well and respect each other .

E ____________________
I enjoy national differences , but I'm delighted the divisions between people are disappearing . I love the closing ceremony of the Olympic Games : the athletes from all the different countries are wearing their country's colours , but they're all holding hands , singing the same song and waving the same flag .