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Chapter I IN WHICH ____________________ ____________________ AND ____________________ ACCEPT EACH ____________________ , THE ONE AS ____________________ , THE OTHER AS ____________________ Mr . Phileas ____________________ lived , in 1872 , at No . ____________________ , Saville Row , ____________________ Gardens , the house in which ____________________ died in ____________________ . He was one of the most ____________________ members of the ____________________ Club , though he seemed always to ____________________ attracting ____________________ ; an enigmatical ____________________ , about whom little was ____________________ , except that he was a ____________________ man of the ____________________ . People said that he ____________________ Byron ? at least that his head was ____________________ ; but he was a bearded , tranquil Byron , who might live on a ____________________ years without growing ____________________ . Certainly an ____________________ , it was more doubtful whether ____________________ Fogg was a ____________________ . He was never seen on ____________________ , nor at the ____________________ , nor in the counting - rooms of the " ____________________ " ; no ships ever came into London ____________________ of which he was the ____________________ ; he had no public ____________________ ; he had never been entered at any of the Inns of ____________________ , either at the Temple , or Lincoln's ____________________ , or Gray's ____________________ ; nor had his voice ever resounded in the Court of ____________________ , or in the ____________________ , or the Queen's ____________________ , or the ____________________ Courts . He certainly was not a ____________________ ; nor was he a ____________________ or a gentleman ____________________ . His name was strange to the ____________________ and ____________________ societies , and he never was known to take part in the sage deliberations of the Royal ____________________ or the ____________________ Institution , the ____________________ Association , or the Institution of ____________________ and Sciences . He belonged , in fact , to ____________________ of the numerous ____________________ which swarm in the English ____________________ , from the ____________________ to that of the ____________________ , founded mainly for the purpose of abolishing pernicious ____________________ . Phileas Fogg was a member of the ____________________ , and that was ____________________ . The way in which he got ____________________ to this ____________________ club was simple enough . He was recommended by the ____________________ , with whom he had an ____________________ ____________________ . His cheques were regularly paid at sight from his account ____________________ , which was always ____________________ . Was Phileas Fogg ____________________ ? Undoubtedly . But those who knew him best could not imagine ____________________ he had ____________________ his ____________________ , and Mr . Fogg was the ____________________ person to whom to ____________________ for the ____________________ . He was not ____________________ , nor , on the contrary , ____________________ ; for , whenever he knew that money was ____________________ for a noble , useful , or ____________________ purpose , he ____________________ it ____________________ and sometimes ____________________ . He was , in short , the ____________________ ____________________ of ____________________ . He talked very ____________________ , and seemed all the more ____________________ for his ____________________ ____________________ .