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Therefore , I urge ____________________ , brothers and ____________________ , in view of God's ____________________ , to offer your bodies as ____________________ living sacrifice , holy ____________________ pleasing to ____________________ ? this is your true and proper worship . Do not ____________________ to the pattern of this world , but be ____________________ by the ____________________ of your mind . Then you will be ____________________ ____________________ test and ____________________ what God's will is ? his good , ____________________ and ____________________ will . For by the grace given me I say to every one of you : Do not think of yourself ____________________ highly than ____________________ ought , but rather think of ____________________ with sober ____________________ , in ____________________ with the faith God has ____________________ to each of you . For just as each of us has one body with many ____________________ , and these ____________________ do not all have the ____________________ ____________________ ,
so in Christ we , though ____________________ , form one body , and each ____________________ ____________________ to all the ____________________ . We have ____________________ gifts , ____________________ to the grace given to each of us . If ____________________ gift is ____________________ , then prophesy in ____________________ with your faith ;