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George : I'm going out . Do you want anything ?
Sally : Could you buy ____________________ stuff from the
shop ?
George : All right . What do you want ?
Sally : Well , we haven't got ____________________ milk .
George : How ____________________ milk do you want ?
Sally : We need two ____________________ of milk .
George : How about ____________________ jam ? Have we got ____________________ jam ?
Sally : Oh yes , there isn't ____________________ jam left . We need a ____________________ of strawberry jam and also , we've finished
the butter . We need ____________________ butter .
George : OK . I think I ? ve finished the last beer . I'll buy 5 or 6 ____________________ of beer .
Sally : OK . ____________________ is a ____________________ oil left . Please , buy a ____________________ of oil .
George : No problem . Do you want to eat fish at dinner ?
Sally : Ah , yes . I want you to buy four ____________________ of fish and also ____________________ bread . There isn't ____________________ bread
left .
George : ____________________ ____________________ loaves of bread do you want ?
Sally : A ____________________ of brown bread is enough . Would you like ____________________ coffee after dinner ?
George : Of course .
Sally : Then , buy us a ____________________ of coffee . At last , we only have ____________________ packets of pasta . Could you buy
____________________ more pasta ? You know we eat pasta almost every day .
George : Ok , no problem .
Sally : One more thing . Don't buy ____________________ almonds . We have got a lot of almonds .
George : All right !