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In the United States we have ____________________ levels of government . They are the federal , state & local governments . The federal government in ____________________ D . C . makes rules & laws for the whole country . The state government makes laws for the ____________________ . In Virginia the Virginia General Assembly is our ____________________ of Congress for Virginia . It is a ____________________ body that makes laws for the whole state . The two chambers in the Virginia General Assembly are the House of ____________________ , & the ____________________ Senate . The way that a bill becomes a law in Virginia is more or less the same as it is for ____________________ . The only real ____________________ is that at the state level the ____________________ , not the president can sign or veto a bill . Governor's also have the power of a ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ which means they can veto certain ____________________ of a bill . The president can only veto the ____________________ bill .