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Martin Wilson is a famous chef in a restaurant in New York . Every morning , he ____________________ ____________________ ( get up ) at 8 : 30 a . m . and ____________________ ( have ) his breakfast . After breakfast , his friend , Sally ____________________ ( drive ) him to the restaurant . Martin and Sally ____________________ ( work ) at the same restaurant . They ____________________ ( arrive ) at the restaurant at about 9 : 30 a . m . Martin usually ____________________ ( check ) the food stocks before he ____________________ ( start ) to cook the special dishes of the day . Sally ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not cook ) , but she helps Martin in the kitchen . They ____________________ ( be ) good friends , and they are glad to work at the same restaurant . Everybody ____________________ ( like ) Martin's special dishes .
Yesterday , Martin ____________________ ( have ) a problem at the restaurant . He ____________________ ( receive ) a letter from one of his customers . Let's read the letter :
Last Friday , my wife and I ____________________ ( book ) a table for 8 : 00 p . m . , but we ____________________ ( wait ) until 8 : 45 before a table ____________________ ( be ) free . Finally , we ____________________ ( sit ) at the table , but the waiter ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ ( not bring ) us the menu . Moreover , we ____________________ ( ask ) for our drinks several times , but he ____________________ ( forget ) to bring them . Then , we ____________________ ( order ) ? Chicken la Crème ? , but it was cold . We ____________________ ( be ) very disappointed about your services .
Peter Steven s