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1 . I loved the fancy dress party last year . There was a costume ____________________ and a lady who was ____________________ our faces .

2 . On our trip to Finland we had a great time . We spent the night in a real ____________________ and we took part on a reindeer ____________________ .

3 . You can see igloos in many ____________________ countries such as Norway . They are built with ____________________ of ice and they can be real works of ____________________ .

4 . A very popular ____________________ takes place at my village every summer . Local girls and boys wear ____________________ costumes , they dance with folk music and all the visitors can ____________________ a traditional ____________________ .

5 . The forest has been ____________________ ____________________ a desert because of lack of rain .

6 . On the carnival day , here in Rethymno , people wear fancy costumes , they dance all day , some participate while others just ____________________ the street ____________________ and at the end of the day there is a big party and the organising team ____________________ ____________________ fireworks .

7 . Sweets and candies often get their colours from ____________________ ____________________ .

8 . We have to ____________________ home before it gets dark .

9 . We ____________________ a nice ____________________ room for our holidays . The price ____________________ breakfast and use of the spa facilities .

10 . A snow ____________________ competition takes place in this town every winter . People use ice ____________________ to make amazing snow decorations .

11 . The site we booked our tickets on sent us back an email with our ____________________ ____________________ . Next week we can start ____________________ our suitcases .

12 . There are a lot of modern paintings ____________________ at the gallery .