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1 . The lakes and rivers are dirty because people ____________________ them .

2 . Can you ____________________ the water please as I want to have a shower ?

3 . When you turn off the lights you don't need , you won't ____________________ electricity .

4 . Everybody should ____________________ for the planet .

5 . Danny is going to go on a ____________________ around the Mediterranean Sea .

6 . I'd love to go pony ____________________ because I love aniimals and adventure .

7 . Susan is waiting on the ____________________ for her train to arrive .

8 . If you visit Paris , don't forget to visit the Louvre ____________________ .

9 . The player ran around the ____________________ when he scored a goal !

10 . My parents always ____________________ their anniversary by having a party .

11 . Going hand - gliding has been an amazing ____________________ .