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If you are ____________________ at something , you do it to a very ____________________ level of ____________________ .

If you have the ____________________ to do a job , you have plenty of experience and have probably received special ____________________ .

If you are ____________________ ____________________ drawing , it means you can ____________________ very well .

If you are an ____________________ student , you are ____________________ clever in a way that is not ____________________ .

If you give a ____________________ performance in a concert , it means you are ____________________ clever , ____________________ or impressive .

If you have the ____________________ to become a sports champion , you have a natural ability which could be developed so that you ____________________ very good .

If you are a ____________________ business person , you have done well in your career and probably earned a lot of ____________________ .

If you are ____________________ at something , it means that you have the ability to do it ____________________ .