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____________________ ____________________ univeristy isn't absolutely vital if you want ____________________ ____________________ a good job in the future . It is important ____________________ ____________________ something that you will truly enjoy ____________________ , and some jobs don't involve ____________________ for years in a classroom . ____________________ the suitablility of your talents and skills is essential . Talk with people you know ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ what they really do at work . Find out about other types of training programs , although ____________________ a part time job and ____________________ ____________________ the work first hand may be best for you . Decide if you want ____________________ ____________________ frequently on business or if you would prefer ____________________ ____________________ ____________________ to leave the office . Finally , you need ____________________ ____________________ your parents that your decision involves ____________________ for a successful career that you can manage ____________________ ____________________ well in .