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1 . A few years ago , I felt like I was ____________________ in a ____________________ .
2 . I decided to ____________________ in the ____________________ of the great American philosopher , Morgan Spurlock , and try something new for 30 days .
3 . Instead of the months flying by , forgotten , the time was much more ____________________ .
4 . I also ____________________ out that if you really want something badly enough , you can do anything for 30 days .
5 . Every November , tens of thousands of people try to write their own 50 , 000 - word novel , from ____________________ .
6 . Think about something you have always wanted to try and ____________________ it a ____________________
7 . Small , sustainable changes , things I could keep doing , were more likely to ____________________ .
8 . Hiking up Mt . Kilimanjaro , the highest mountain in Africa , was really ____________________ .
9 . It turns out 30 days is just about the right amount of time to add a new habit or ____________________ a habit .