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The telephone never stopped ____________________ , but slowly , as time ____________________ , the office became ____________________ again . Most of the teenagers were out helping the people of the town , the ____________________ were by the coffee machine . Someone ____________________ on the cassette player and William sat in his chair more ____________________ and closed his eyes .
" Hello . "
William opened his eyes . A lovely girl stood in front of his ____________________ , smiling .
" Hello , young lady . Who are you ? "
" I'm Kathy . I'm new here and I don't know ____________________ , so I thought perhaps I could help you . "
" You said the ____________________ word . Help is always ____________________ round here . In fact , as soon as Joan gets back , I'm taking the Library ____________________ to the Old People's Home and I need someone to help with the small ____________________ . Why don't you get some coffee and meet the rest of the group ? "
Suddenly the door ____________________ open and a tall , smiling girl came in .
" Sorry I'm late . Mr Tagg took a very long time to finish at the Foot Clinic . He's back home now , so here I am . Any ____________________ , William ? "
" Nothing serious , but we do have a new ____________________ . Kathy , come and meet Joan . She's the ____________________ here . "
" William's ____________________ me to the Old People's Home to give out the library books - if that's all right . "
" Lovely , but watch out ! William is a terrible driver , so ____________________ your seat ____________________ ! "